/ Our Communities
The Attawapiskat First Nation is located approximately 260 km north of Moosonee, near the mouth of the Attawapiskat River along the western coast of James Bay. It has an on reserve population of about 1,784 as of March, 2012, from the website of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada.
The Community can be accessed by air and by winter road or by barge during the summer. Attawapiskat has two reserves – Attawapiskat No. 91 A, where the people reside, and has a land base of 131 hectares. Attawapiskat No. 91 is located up river and has a land base of 27,040 hectares. Although Attawapiskat No. 91 is uninhabitable, it is used primarily for traditional purposes.
Attawapiskat has its own Chief and Council, a hospital, a nurses’ residence, a post office, First Nation-operated elementary school, a secondary school, a Northern Store, church, community hall, arena, all-weather airport; and a police station. In addition, a team of Peacekeepers work in the Community.
Attawapiskat’s on reserve secondary school, built by the First Nation, means a great deal to the Community. In the past, students leaving home to attend school created many disruptions in the Community, especially for those students who were separated from their families and homes for extended periods of time. The school also provides opportunities for mature students to continue their secondary education at home.
The Community, which has approximately 260 houses, has an extensive road system, diesel generation system that was operated by Ontario Hydro. The Community also has a water system. A new sewage system was constructed in 1994-1995. Dykes were also constructed to protect the Community from spring flooding, which sometimes necessitates emergency evacuations.

Fort Albany & Kashechewan
The Fort Albany #67 Indian Reserve is unique in that there are two First Nations residing on the land – Fort Albany First Nation and Kashechewan First Nation. The Fort Albany First Nation has a total land base of 36,346 hectares.
The Fort Albany First Nation originated as a Hudson’s Bay Company trading post. Its boundaries were described in the 1905 Treaty No. 9. During the 1950’s, the reserve was divided into two Communities, that being Fort Albany First Nation and Kashechewan First Nation. A result of this division of reserve land was that Fort Albany maintained its largely Roman Catholic identity, while Kashechewan remained mostly Anglican.
The Fort Albany First Nation is on the south bank of the Albany River about 15 km upstream from James Bay, and it consists of three areas: the mainland, Andersen Island, and Sinclair Island. Kashechewan First Nation is located close by along the north bank of the Albany River, and has an on reserve population of about 1700. Both Communities are approximately 150 km north of Moosonee. The combined total registered on-reserve population for Fort Albany and Kashechewan is 2,818 according to the Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada website as of March, 2012.
The Roman Catholic Mission was relocated from the original Fort Albany 67 on Albany Island to the mainland south of Sinclair Island around 1930. The Anglican Mission was established later in Kashechewan First Nation.
Each First Nation now has its own Chiefs and Councils, and now maintains their own public buildings, institutions, social services, and air strips. Hospital services are available at Fort Albany, and Kashechewan has a health clinic. Both Fort Albany and Kashechewan operate their own electricity distribution through their own Power Corporations. Only Kashechewan has a local diesel generator which serves as emergency backup power. Both Fort Albany and Kashechewan are accessible by a winter road that connects the Communities to the town of Moosonee. During the summer months, barges deliver materials and supplies. Even so, for most of the year, the Communities are accessible by air travel only.

/ Scholarships
Electrical and Technical Scholarships
Five Nations Energy Inc. (FNEI) is proud to support students who are continuing their education in the electrical and technical fields. To encourage young people from its Member Communities to pursue these areas of studies, FNEI has developed a scholarship fund that will provide a scholarship to a student from each of the following entities:
- Attawapiskat Education Authority
- Hishkoonikun Education Authority
- Mundo Peetabeck Education Authority
- Northern Lights Secondary School
- Moose Cree Education Authority
- Taykwa Tagamou Nation
Please see our Scholarship Guideline Policy below for further information:

/ Donations
Donation Requests
The community support program of Five Nations Energy Inc. was part of the vision for the corporation from its initial mandate in 1997. The goal of the program is to contribute to measures that are socially beneficial.
The guidelines that must be adhered to by Five Nations Energy Inc. when donating funds are as follows:
- Apart from the annual FNEI Scholarships, FNEI will not provide donations to individuals, only groups or organizations.
- FNEI will attempt to support both male and female activities and events equally.
- Applications for funding must originate and be of benefit to organizations and or groups in the following communities:
- Attawapiskat
- Kashechewan
- Fort Albany
- Moose Cree
- Taykwa Tagamou Nation
- Donation requests must be made in writing well in advance of the activity or event if possible. Event organizers are encouraged to plan ahead.
- Any organization that receives sponsorship must be willing to sign an agreement that stipulates the following:
- FNEI is indemnified against any proceedings that may happen against the organization;
- Organizations must publicly acknowledge that they have received support from FNEI;
- The organization must prepare and submit a report to Five Nations Energy Inc. on the event or activity that was sponsored.

Donation Requests
Applications to Five Nations Energy Inc. for financial support can be made in writing to the following address. Please include the application form when making your request.:
Five Nations Energy Inc.
70-C Mountjoy Street N.,Suite 421
Timmins, ON
P4N 4V7
Fax: 705-268-0071